
Posts Tagged ‘charity contests’

As Vice President of NPOFunding$olution$, which conducts multiple charitable raffles online to benefit non-profit organizations, I have been asked to comment on the May 10th New York Times article: “Charities Reap Benefits of Contests on Internet.”

While, as quoted in that New York Times article, “the opportunity for non-profit groups to win money through online contests are proliferating, adding yet another weapon to charities fund-raising arsenal”, there is a major difference between the online contests mechanism and the NPOFunding$olution$ CharityRaffles.org program. Because CharityRaffles.org provides individuals with the added incentive of chances to win up to $1 million in exchange for their donations, the non-profits in the CharityRaffles.org consortium can thereby “attract” donations from individuals who don’t care about the missions and programs of the non-profits, i.e. there are a lot of people, particularly in the current financial environment, who just want great odds to win from $20 up to $1 million. Via CharityRaffles.org these individuals become “unwitting” or “unintentional” supporters for the missions we are all dedicated to. We call these people “indirect donors.” And, the bottom line is – we all need more donors and it doesn’t matter if they are “direct” or “indirect” donors.

Contact me or NPOFunding$olution$ directly to learn more – not only is the Charity Raffles program a truly revolutionary opportunity to raise money online during very trying economic times, but its a very progressive program with respect to utilization of Internet Marketing and Social Media techniques, both for the nonprofit and supporting corporate sponsors. It’s a great way for businesses to get FREE Internet Marketing help coordinated with very necessary philanthropic efforts.


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